Emily Abromowitz


Emily Abromowitz, Associate Therapist

Emily is a therapist who practices with compassion and without judgment.


  • body image

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • eating disorders

  • self-esteem

  • relationships

  • dating

Emily believes that a strong therapeutic relationship is the foundation for growth and change. She brings authenticity, humor, and curiosity into the room and invites her clients to do the same.  Emily sees therapy as a collaborative process, centering the client as the expert in their own experiences. Emily works together with her clients to identify new and individualized approaches to reaching their goals.

Emily became a therapist because she believes in the power of therapy to improve one’s life.  She believes that the therapeutic relationship is paramount in that process.  She brings authenticity, humor, warmth, and curiosity into the room and invites her clients to do the same.  Therapy can be uncomfortable and intimidating, particularly if you’ve never tried it before. Emily cultivates a non-judgemental space in which clients can explore and be curious about their inner world.  Emily sees therapy as a collaborative process and she centers clients as the experts in their own experiences and needs, utilizing their expertise in order to identify goals and areas of growth to focus on in session.

Emily utilizes an eclectic approach to therapy, pulling from psychodynamic and relational approaches, CBT, and mindfulness.  She truly believes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy and so she pulls from a wide breadth of approaches in order to cultivate tailored experiences for each client.  Her ultimate goal for all of her clients is that they feel equipped with the tools they need to navigate through the world, existing as authentically as themselves.

Do you find yourself being your own worst critic?

Through unpacking past experiences, we will work to identify where those criticisms originated and try to create a more positive brain space that can contribute to your happiness.


Julia Antuzzi