Practical Tips for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem


Practical Tips for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

The way we view and think about ourselves can be defined as self-esteem. Our self-esteem can be high, low or in the middle. It can ebb and flow depending on the context of one’s life. Having low self-esteem can resonate as a lack of self-confidence or seeing yourself as unlovable, unworthy, unacceptable, and a plethora of other lowly traits. 

Viewing yourself in such a low manner can lead to serious mental health issues like depression, anxiety, stress, substance abuse and eating disorders. Because of this, it is really important to be aware of how you view yourself. Having a higher sense of self-esteem isn’t a simple feat and can take lots of practice and time. However, there are a few straightforward tips to overcoming low self-esteem.

  • Surround yourself with positive vibes 

    Do you ever feel that sometimes when you spend time with a person who is constantly negative, you feel that their bad attitude is almost contagious? Chances are you are absorbing their negativity just by being around them. Spending time with someone who is constantly bashing themselves or others can be toxic and deeply affective. It is important to surround yourself with people who are positive and lift you up, not bring you down. This in tandem will allow you to see yourself in a more positive aura. 

  • Give back 

    Giving back, in any shape or form, is always a gift. Whether it's donating your time at the local soup kitchen or animal shelter, helping pick up trash in your neighborhood, or even smiling at a stranger, any act of simple kindness and selflessness can raise your own confidence level. 

  • Be compassionate towards yourself 

    When we bash ourselves with negative comments, we are reinforcing the belief that we are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, and so on. Remind yourself that you deserve compassion and love as much as the next person does. To start, try giving yourself one kind compliment each day. It doesn’t have to be anything major, but can be something as simple as telling yourself you look nice today.

  • Write it out 

    Sometimes when struggling with low self-esteem, it can be helpful to empty your thoughts out on paper. Let all your ideas flow naturally and don’t try to write what you think you β€œhave to” write. Be as honest as possible and don’t overthink it. When you’re done writing out your thoughts, re-read them and challenge yourself. What you wrote in the heat of the moment may not necessarily be true! Looking back, you may see what you wrote from a different, more positive light. 


Store these tips in your toolkit and try to utilize them as much as possible. Don’t be discouraged if you're still feeling low - having confidence and high self-esteem does not necessarily happen overnight. Keep working towards it and don’t give up - you got this!

If you are experiencing low self-esteem due to stress, anxiety or depression, we can help. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation today.

Please email us with any questions or inquiries at


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