Featured In: Reclaim Your Rise Podcast

Lily was featured on Lauren Bongiorno’s podcast, Reclaim Your Rise:

The Realities of Eating Disorders and Body Image Struggles for Type 1 Diabetics with Lily Thrope, LCSW

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by therapist and childhood friend Lily Thrope!

Lily Thrope, LCSW specializes in supporting individuals who experience anxiety, disordered eating, low self-esteem, relationship stress, and LGBTQIA-related issues. Through her work, Lily helps her clients find the confidence to face these issues and find ways to live their happiest and most authentic lives.

In this intimate convo, we talk about…

  • Why people with T1D might have a predisposition to struggle with disordered eating

  • What the term “Food Freedom” means for diabetics 

  • How we worked through our personal disordered eating journeys to foster a healthy relationship with our bodies, find balance with food, and discover self-love. 

Listen to the podcast here.


Stay Grounded: Simple Practices for a Peaceful Holiday Season


Featured In: Whole, Full, & Alive Podcast